Instructors and schools are invited to affiliate with the Richard Norton BJJ Association (aka as Team Norton BJJ). Team Norton is not just about recruiting BJJ schools but other martial arts schools which are considering Jiu Jitsu for them and their students.
The benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to in school are:
- Injection of new skills and techniques
- Excellent tool for retention rate
- Adding new horizons to your martial art/school
Richard Norton, who has been training in the martial arts for over 55 years, also holds an 9th Degree in Zen Do Kai Karate, Level 6 (6th Degree) in Ukidokan Kickboxing and a 8th Degree in Chun Kuk Do Karate (personally awarded by Chuck Norris). As a result of his experience in a wide cross section of martial arts he is able to relate well to many schools wishing to take up Jiu Jitsu.
This is an opportunity to train and affiliate with Richard Norton 5th Degree Black Belt. Due to time constraints this an easier way for Instructors, of other martial arts, to get involved and start Jiu Jitsu training for them and their schools. The program ensures Instructors will be training in their school and having complete control of their students.
Affiliation is based on approval by Professor Norton. The head of the school will usually be asked to organise a seminar to commence the affiliation process and the opportunity for the instructor and students to meet and train with Professor Norton and discuss requirements and suitability into the organisation.
Upon successful affiliation with Team Norton, the Head Instructor and their school will be listed on the website. Instructors and students will have access to a number of online training clips which will assist them with the training program. Two seminars per year for each school by Professor Norton will ensure Instructors and schools are on target with their goals.
The Richard Norton BJJ association is not just about seminars but setting a standard and correct culture in each school. A recent conversation with the famous Rener Gracie indicates success in a Jiu Jitsu school is not based on sport alone but those who want to indulge in the art for other reasons such as self defence for what Jiu Jitsu was originally designed for. The program will ensure gaining a wider range of interest from persons not just those who want to compete. Richard Norton BJJ is traditional and has a code of conduct which fits in very well with many of the other traditional martial arts.
Now is the time to join the TEAM!
Contact us now!
- A Team Norton school cannot be established within a 7 km distance of another Team Norton school. This rule does not apply to pre-existing schools within that distance or if the established school agrees with another school to less than the 7 km distance.
- All Team Norton instructors and students should wear a Team Norton GI or at a minimum, wear a GI with Team Norton patches.
- Competitors representing Team Norton are to wear Team Norton GIs or GIs patched up Team Norton.
- Instructors do not have the authority to design, create Team Norton merchandise which includes GIs, hoodies, T-shirts, gym bags etc unless permission has been obtained from Professor Norton.
- Affiliates are permitted to use the Team Norton Logo as long as membership fees are up to date and only in the following manner:
* as an interior display and/or as an outside sign at affiliate place of business.
* an affiliate business stationary and business cards.
* on affiliate promotional, advertising and marketing material. - Affiliates are required to host a minimum of 2 seminars per year, conducted by Professor Richard Norton.
- Team Norton BJJ is registered with the Australian Federation Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (AFBJJF) and the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation. Persons wishing to compete do so under Team Norton BJJ.
- Students must bow whilst entering & leaving the training area/mat.
- All students, Coaches and Professors are to line up and bow in at the start and end of every training session, senior grades starting from the left of the instructor facing them.
- All Students, Coaches and Professors are to ensure that GIs are clean and personal hygiene is in order before the start of every training session.
- All BJJ instructors should be addressed by their respective and earned titles, whether as Coach, Professor or Master, at all times on the mat, as well as at all BJJ events and seminars and on social media.
- All Black Belt instructors are to be referred to as ‘Professor’. If the Instructor is not a Black Belt, then they are to be addressed as ‘Coach’ at all times especially in the dojo and events.
- At all times, Junior Ranks may not ask a senior Rank wrestler/roll. This is a long standing principle of etiquette in the Martial Arts.
As a general rule a tab on each belt is a minimum of 6 months training based on two instructional lessons a week. Minimum time from White to Blue is 2.5 years.
As a general rule a tab on each belt is a minimum of 6 months training based on two instructional lessons a week. Generally it takes a minimum of 3 years training for each coloured belt based on two instructional lessons a week. This may take longer for people who are not as consistent or who may have not reached the standard.
Time frames are to ensure students reach maturity into the art and do not mean automatic promotion. However, earlier promotion may be considered based on the following criteria:
- Tournament participation
- Seminar attendance
- Consistent training and attending more than the average student (eg consistently attending 3 lessons per week)
- Outstanding performance
- Natural attributes
- Previous relevant experience (Judo, Wrestling etc)
Blue Belt promotions may be awarded by a Brown Belt Instructor on behalf of Professor Norton.
Note: Professor Norton wishes to reiterate, that in relation to the awarding of belts, a student’s Integrity, behavior and character, on and off the mat, are an important consideration when deciding rank and can sometimes trump such issues as a student’s natural athletic ability and minimum time requirements met. The Professor also understands that there will be exceptions to this minimum time frame rule and is always open to discussion with Team Norton Instructors when deciding on the awarding of Rank to exceptional students and their particular circumstances, based on individual merit.
This is a guide only but instructors have the option to follow the rules & regulations set out by the IBJJF for competition.
WHITE BELT: No Lower Body Submissions of any kind permitted
The white belt should be focused on developing sound fundamental skills. As a result, they are not allowed to attack the feet/legs. In addition they are safe from those attacks as all students are forbidden from executing lower body submissions on white belts.
BLUE BELT: Straight Foot Lock only permitted
Once a student reaches the Blue Belt level, they are now allowed to attack the straight ankle lock. It is important to point out that when attacking the foot they MUST FALL TO THE SAME SIDE OF THE FOOT THAT THEY ARE HOLDING. To fall to the opposite side can compromise the stability of the knee if a scramble ensues.
PURPLE BELT: Knee Bar and Toe Holds permitted
At the Purple Belt level, the student is now permitted to execute knee bars and toe holds. It is important to point out that the IBJJF allows Purple Belts to execute TOE HOLDS ONLY.
BROWN/BLACK BELT: All Lower Body Submissions permitted.
Heel hooks are taught, but are not allowed at any level. Anything twisting against the knee is extremely dangerous and can take a student out of action for a long time. As a result Professor Norton does not allow heel hooks of any kind at any level. The only leg lock that is permitted at all levels is the foot lock that can occur if an opponent crosses their feet from back control. Other than that everything else falls under the guidelines mentioned above.
Team Norton BJJ is registered with the Australian Federation Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (AFBJJ) and the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation. Persons wishing to compete do so under Team Norton BJJ.
As practice time is limited, you will want to make the best use of this time in the most efficient manner possible. Below are the steps that I recommend for your practice. There are indications that how you practice things influences the mechanisms and brain regions in/by which the learned material is stored in your brain. Combined with the fact that neurons fatigue within a matter of minutes, this means that a class that is conducive for learning should integrate and intermingle various training methodologies to optimize learning.
PLEASE NOTE: If you don’t intend to read all of this, at least read the ‘sparring’ paragraph.
Technique Instruction
First, you must see the technique, and learn the steps and details on how to perform the technique. This can be through in class live instruction, or from watching the instructional videos. It is important in this instruction, for the instructor to not only detail how the technique is done, but also to explain why you are doing what you are doing. Most importantly, the how and the why should be linked by the instructor to the overall strategies and concepts of successful Jiu-jitsu. This multiple linking of technique how and why, with the broader strategic goals will speed learning and increase retention of information.
Single Technique Repetition
The next step is to repeat the technique on your unresisting training partner many times. This helps to lock the steps of the technique in your mind, as well as helping you learn the unconscious body skills required by the technique. These unconscious body skills are analogous to learning to ride a bicycle. Although there are certain things about riding a bike that you can teach, like how to start the pedal, and to turn into the direction that you are starting to fall, the majority of the skills required to ride a bike are unconscious skills, that can be learned only through the experience of attempting to ride. There are analogous skills in Jiu-jitsu, and every sport. These sorts of skills will be begun to be mastered here, and further expertise will be gained in the drills below
Chain Drills
Once you have a basic understanding of the technique and have practiced it a sufficient number of times to be reasonably proficient, the next step is to link this technique together with other techniques into a ‘chain’ as might be used in sparring. Single technique repetition is good, but as neurons fatigue quickly, by chaining several techniques together, the neurons that are being trained for each technique get a chance to rest while you are completing the chain. Additionally, there is evidence that these different practice methodologies modulate different brain structures, so utilizing both single technique repetition (constant practice), along with chain drills (variable practice) will likely speed learning.
Chain Flow Sparring
Now the basic learning and motor skills should be in place for the techniques. The next step is to work the techniques and chains against a lightly resisting opponent. The opponent moves and defends as he normally would in sparring but utilizes a very low level of strength and speed. This allows for success every time, as long as the technique is performed properly. This practice helps to find defects in the way you are performing the technique and starts to build the conscious and unconscious skills to a high enough level necessary for performance of the technique in actual sparring.
Specific Training
Specific training limits the area in which you are training so that you can focus on practicing, against a fully resisting partner, the techniques or chains that you are currently working on. For example, the techniques instructed in the class might involve passing the guard. Specific training is where you start in your opponent’s guard and try to pass. Meanwhile, your opponent is trying to sweep or submit you. When either of these goals is accomplished, you restart back in the guard. This way, you stay focused on practicing and integrating the techniques you just learned. When doing specific training you should try to limit what you are working on during any session to just a couple of passes, and 2-3 attacks from the guard. This way you can actually develop a good level of skill with a few techniques. Once you have achieved sufficient mastery of these to successfully use them in sparring, you will be ready to move on to another group of techniques.
Sparring (wrestling)
Sparring is where both participants are fully resisting. The only caveat is, strength and speed should be limited just a little, so that control and safety are maintained.
The white belt should be focused on developing sound fundamental skills. As a result, they are not allowed to attack the feet/legs. In addition they are safe from those attacks as all students are forbidden from executing lower body submissions on white belts.
BLUE BELT: Straight Foot Lock only permitted
Once a student reaches the Blue Belt level, they are now allowed to attack the straight ankle lock. It is important to point out that when attacking the foot they MUST FALL TO THE SAME SIDE OF THE FOOT THAT THEY ARE HOLDING. To fall to the opposite side can compromise the stability of the knee if a scramble ensues.
PURPLE BELT: Knee Bar and Toe Holds permitted
At the Purple Belt level, the student is now permitted to execute knee bars and toe holds. It is important to point out that the IBJJF allows Purple Belts to execute TOE HOLDS ONLY.
BROWN/BLACK BELT: All Lower Body Submissions permitted.
Heel hooks are taught, but are not allowed at any level. Anything twisting against the knee is extremely dangerous and can take a student out of action for a long time. As a result Professor Norton does not allow heel hooks of any kind at any level. The only leg lock that is permitted at all levels is the foot lock that can occur if an opponent crosses their feet from back control. Other than that everything else falls under the guidelines mentioned above.
Team Norton BJJ is registered with the Australian Federation Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation (AFBJJF) and the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation under the name Team Richard Norton BJJ. Persons wishing to compete do so under Team Richard Norton BJJ.
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